One word? Seriously?
Try it, one word to sum up the last month of your life.
It is not easy! I did manage to find one word to sum up this experience that took me from home, for almost a month, to the other side of the globe, via 4 different airports, 6 planes, several time zones, way too many languages to count, to a totally different culture, HOT climate, to work with people you have never met, to see one of your best friends on her turf, to do things you have never done, eat things you have never eaten, and just plain a long way from home...... One word.... HUMBLING
I live in a country listed as one of the richest in the world, with listings as the best cities in the world to live in. Yet all around I see discontent, people wanting the next newest this or that, not really sure of what is of real value. A country where many people do not know their neighbours, where family is not valued as it should be. A country with more options for groceries than we truly need, with soil that will grow almost anything, and a climate that makes it possible.
I visit a count
I will never be the same after Africa......